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​Manitoba Race to Reduce Announces 2018 Awards Categories

October 6, 2018



Manitoba Race to Reduce has announced their 2018 award categories. The awards, held in April each year, have been expanded this year to recognize even more participant accomplishments.  New for 2018, there will an application process for two of the categories.

Action and Innovation Award
The Action and Innovation Award recognizes participants who have demonstrated leadership and commitment to saving energy through their actions and/or innovations. Innovation examples include new ideas, methods, behaviors, plans, projects and collaborations.

Building Commitment Award
The Building Commitment Award recognizes landlords, tenants and employees who have pledged to reduce energy use in their offices and throughout their participating building. This fun and interactive application is designed for tenants and landlords to submit together.

Building Performance Awards
Building Performance Awards recognize energy efficiency accomplishments and are based on the energy consumption data taken from participants’ ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager account. There is no application required to be eligible for the following 2018 Building Performance Awards.

    • Largest Energy Reduction
    • Most Improved Energy Use
    • Largest Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction
    • Most Improved Reductions of Greenhouse Gas Emissions
    • Most Improved Energy Use Intensity
    • Most Energy Efficient Building


To learn more about the Manitoba Race to Reduce Award categories and to download applications, visit the Manitoba Race to Reduce website. Deadline for submissions is: Friday, March 1st, 2019.

Manitoba Race to Reduce is a unique energy reduction challenge that encourages collaboration between commercial office building landlords tenants and employees to improve energy efficiency in their buildings reducing greenhouse gas emissions and costs.

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