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5 Reasons Why You Should Attend The CODE Conference

April 28, 2022

The Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce’s first annual CODE Conference is less than a month away. Still looking to register? We have put together 5 reasons why you should attend.

Let’s dive in!

Written by Mahrukh Ali Aziz, DEI Coordinator 

5 Reasons why you should attend the CODE Conference

1. Learn, network and connect with like-minded individuals in person!

Guess what? You no longer have to unmute yourself to start a conversation, just simply walk up to the person you’d like to say hello to, and shake their hand!

Also, let’s take a closer look at the benefits of being back at our in-person events:

Learn through two different experiences throughout the day;

ONE, through workshops and our experienced speakers and panelists. 

TWO, with those you’ll be seated and sharing the day with. Just like you, 250+ business and community leaders have signed up to be a part of this unique opportunity, creating a safe and inclusive space for all to have their stories heard.


2. Hear from our Keynote DEI experts 

You have probably seen some familiar faces of our highly anticipated keynote speakers. If you haven’t, check them out below:

Dr. Rehman Abdulrehman, Clinical Psychologist, Owner of Lead with Diversity

Session Summary:
Decentering Whiteness in DEI Work: Employees often find themselves changing their way of being to meet a standard for professionalism that was set for a very specific type of person – usually white, male and able-bodied. As we incorporate DEI policies and practices into our workplace to disrupt these norms and pursue inclusion, we must be mindful that it is inclusion we are working towards and not assimilation.

Rosemary Sadlier, Founder of Black Canadian Network

Session Summary:
The Business Case of Inclusion:
Globalization, technological disruption and shifting demographics is rapidly changing our workforce. How do we futureproof our business now and attract, engage and retain high-quality and diverse candidates? Keeping in mind, yes, hiring diverse teams is important but inclusive and equitable workplaces that support them is key. Join us during Black History Month to hear from Rosemary Sadlier, a key influencer in bringing Black History Month to Canada in 1995.



3. Choose from three workshop levels based on your comfort level

Just starting your diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) journey or looking for a deeper conversation? Take part in workshops offered in three levels and expand beyond your current learning journey. 

Wondering what are the three levels? Take a closer look below!

Introductory, General & Advanced

or mix and match based on topics that interest you.

We’ve been working with experienced professionals in the field of DEI to create sessions to best fit for you and your DEI journey. Check out the workshops here.


4. Three sessions I’m really excited about:

 Session 6A: Accessibility in the Workplace  


Ashley Nemeth
Manager of Program and Operations at CNIB
Read more about Ashley.


About this Session:
During this workshop, learn from experts in the area of workplace accessibility on how we can best prepare to hire, and retain people with disabilities. Additionally, attendees will dive in deeper into the Accessibility for Manitobans Act to understand their responsibilities to comply with it.
Read the full session description.  


Session 5B: The Significance of Storytelling 


Dorota Blumczynska
Executive Director of The Manitoba Museum
Read more about Dorota

About this Session:
Stories transmit knowledge in a way that few other mediums can. They have the power to impart wisdom, to evoke emotions, to amplify and honor lived experiences. Through stories we can enter into dialogue with the past, we can contest history, question assumptions, and challenge narratives.
Read full session description.


Session 6C: Data Analysis – Evaluating your DEI strategy 


Dr. Aynslie Hinds
Senior Research Associate at The University of Winnipeg
Read more Dr. Aynslie  

About this Session:
Starting with a brief introduction of evaluation, this workshop will explain how proper data collection and evaluation can help us to understand if we are “moving the needle” with respect to DEI initiatives. Additionally, attendees will be provided with a framework, and a 7-step process for developing an evaluation plan for a DEI initiative.
Read the full session description.


5. Explore the benefits of having an inclusive, equitable, and diverse workplace

If you’re investing in a diverse workforce and consciously creating an equitable workplace, then this day is just another step to give you all the right reasons of why you should continue on the journey you’ve embarked on!

The benefits?

  • Network, network and network! It’s not just about networking with like-minded individuals, it’s also about learning from those who bring new, fresh views to the table. 
  • It’s not just professional growth, but your personal growth too! Yes you’ll be taking these ideas back to your organization, but also carrying them with you as you go on with your daily life, reflecting back on fruitful discussions and gaining deeper insights. 
  • Take what you learned and implement it at your workplace! With learning & knowledge, comes the responsibility of putting it into action, and that’s exactly what this day is here to guide you towards. Once you’ve attended the three levels of workshops, networked with tons of like-minded individuals, you know it’s time to devise your plan + the steps on building a more diverse, equitable workplace best fit for your organizational growth.


And last but not least 

  • The Food and conference goodies! Let’s be honest, we were all thinking it.. and yes you should look forward to two delicious meals + wellness breaks to energize yourselves and other fun conference extras. 

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