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Big Numbers Often Mean Good News, but Not When It Comes to Diabetes in Manitoba

November 10, 2020

Learn About Diabetes Risk Factors
This Diabetes Awareness Month

Did you know that 395,000 Manitobans (which is equal to more than half of Winnipeg’s population) have diagnosed or undiagnosed diabetes or prediabetes, and that these numbers are expected to rise to 480,000 people in the next 10 years?

Many are not aware that they might be at risk or are even living with this condition, so they are not managing or treating it.

“Early detection is critical to change or reverse the course of type 2 diabetes,” says Andrea Kwasnicki, Diabetes Canada’s Regional Director for Manitoba and Nunavut. With proper treatment, steps can be taken to lead a healthy, productive and happy life.

Join Dynacare and Diabetes Canada Manitoba this November to bring awareness to diabetes in our community. Sharing information about diabetes and talking to your doctor about your risk for the disease are the first steps you can take to make our community healthier.

About The #Dynacare4Diabetes Wellness Initiative

The goal of #Dynacare4Diabetes is to screen Manitobans for Type 2 diabetes – particularly those most at risk – using the A1C (blood sugar) test.

Between October 21 and November 30, 2020, Dynacare is offering free A1C tests at every Dynacare location in Manitoba. Additionally, Dynacare will donate 50 cents to Diabetes Canada for every A1C test completed, up to a total of $25,000.

This initiative comes at no cost to Manitoba Health, Seniors and Active Living as it is fully funded by Dynacare, including the cost of all additional A1C tests ordered.

Obby Khan, owner of Shawarma Khan and the Green Carrot Juice Company, getting his blood sugar tested during 2018’s #Dynacare4Diabetes initiative

Risk Factors for Diabetes

Manitobans who are over the age of 40, or have one or more of the risk factors below, should speak to their doctor about getting screened for diabetes every three years.

Risk factors include:

  • Having a parent, brother or sister with diabetes
  • Being a member of a high-risk group (African, Arab, Asian, Hispanic, Indigenous, or South Asian descent; low socioeconomic status)
  • Having high blood pressure
  • Having high cholesterol or other fats in the blood
  • Being overweight, especially if that weight is mostly carried around the stomach

Click here for the full list of risk factors.

Act Now

The time to act is now, especially with the increased risk of COVID-19, as COVID-19 can potentially cause more severe symptoms for those with diabetes. Get ahead of your health, talk to your doctor to understand if you are at risk for diabetes, and learn if an A1C test is right for you. Learn more about #Dynacare4Diabetes at dynacare.ca/news/dynacare4diabetes.


Post contributed by: Dooley PR & Marketing

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