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Calling all Women Business Owners!

October 11, 2018


Have you been in business for a few years and are looking to expand your business? Do you want practical advice to reach the next level in your journey? Are you looking for an opportunity to strengthen your knowledge, acquire new tools, and expand your network? Then we have a great event for you!

The WCC has collaborated with BDC to bring their WE Talk Business Boot Camp to Winnipeg on November 6, 2018 at the Winnipeg Art Gallery.

These free events, led by BDC, run across Canada with a simple purpose: to bring together women entrepreneurs (WE) who want to talk about business and grow their business.

This one-day intensive program, created by women entrepreneurs, for women entrepreneurs, offers practical advice on leadership, money, sales, marketing, and human resources – all with a focus on growth.

The Boot Camps are also hosted by two extraordinary professionals who are passionate about helping women entrepreneurs advance – Janice McDonald (@janicemcd), an award-winning entrepreneur also President of the Beacon Agency and Clare Beckton (@ownit_clare), Executive in residence at the Centre for Research and Education on Women and Work at Carleton University.

BDC is bringing together key players such as the Chartered Professional Accountants and Export Development Canada to help facilitate the day’s content. And, BDC is working closely with regional organizations like WCC, to plan the day so that women entrepreneurs can focus on issues and opportunities that are relevant to them.

As Canada’s only bank dedicated to entrepreneurs, BDC has made it their mission to support the growth and success of female entrepreneurs. Statistics tell us that only 16% of small and medium-sized businesses are majority women-owned. BDC wants to change that and has already started through some of the following initiatives:

  • Committed to lending $1.4 billion to women-owned firms over the next three years
  • Manage the $200 million Women in Technology Venture Fund which is the largest venture fund in the world dedicated to investing in women-led technology companies
  • Launched a new website dedicated to female business leaders that offers helpful tools, articles, inspiring stories from other women business owners, as well as access to other women focused organization and partners.

Do not wait! The event is free, and seats are limited. Please share this event with any women in your network that you think would benefit or register today if you are ready to take your business to the next stage.

BDC’s WE Talk Business Boot Camp
Date: November 6, 2018
Time: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Location: Winnipeg Art Gallery
                 300 Memorial Boulevard

Attendees must register HERE by October 26th.

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