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Chamber members receiving CPA Manitoba honours

March 5, 2018
Our good friends at CPA Manitoba are introducing new FCPAs and handing out awards as part of their 2018 Member Recognition Program – and we’re so proud of our members and their employees who are being honoured.
These recipients celebrate excellence among Manitoba’s Chartered Professional Accountants through their career accomplishments and contributions to the community. A giant round of applause goes to:

Lifetime Achievement Award
Gary Hannaford, FCPA, FCA – Currently retired, formerly CEO of CPA Manitoba

Fellow CPA (FCPA)
Deborah Grenier, FCPA, FCA – Partner at KPMG
Joel Lazer, FCPA, FCA – Senior Partner at Lazer Grant LLP
Peter Miller, FCPA, FCA – Partner at KPMG

Early Achievement Award
Kyle McMurtry, CPA, CA – Managing Partner at Grant Thornton LLP
Pamela Miller, CPA, CGA – Associate Partner at MNP
Sara Stasiuk, CPA, CMA – Vice President, Finance and Operations at The Forks North Portage Partnership

Community Service Award
Richard Pope, FCPA, FCA – Managing Partner and CEO at Pope & Brookes Chartered Professional Accountants LLP
Scott Sissons, CPA, CA – Partner at KPMG (and Treasurer of the Board of The Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce)

​To view the other honourees and find out more about CPA Manitoba’s upcoming Member Recognition Gala head to this web page.

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