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Fast 5 For Business: November Update

November 3, 2021

The Winnipeg Chamber’s Director of Policy, Colin Fast, highlights five things Winnipeg businesses should be aware of this week:

Stefanson sworn in as Premier

The Honourable Heather Stefanson was sworn in as Manitoba’s new Premier on Tuesday afternoon, making her the first female to hold that office in Manitoba history. Premier Stefanson indicated there would be no immediate changes to the provincial cabinet as she wants the opportunity to meet with MLAs first. The Winnipeg Chamber congratulates the new Premier on her historic victory and looks forward to working with her in her new role. The Chamber has already reached out to the Premier’s office to confirm participation in the State of the Province address scheduled for December 2nd. Read the Premier’s introductory speech.

New head of the provincial civil service

There was another significant change at the senior level of the provincial government announced this week as Don Leitch was named the new Clerk of the Executive Council and Secretary to Cabinet, replacing David McLaughlin. Leitch previously served in the same role under Premier Gary Filmon for eleven years. The Winnipeg Chamber worked closely with Leitch when he was CEO of the Business Council of Manitoba from 2014 to 2020. Full details here. 

Vandal named Manitoba’s only minister

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau appointed his new cabinet last week, with the Honourable Dan Vandal serving as the only member from Manitoba. Vandal will maintain responsibility for Northern Affairs and will also be the Minister responsible for Prairies Economic Development Canada, the renamed economic development agency for Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Full details here.

Watch out for tax reform survey

Chamber members should keep an eye on their inboxes this week for a special survey about changes to the provincial tax system. As advocated by the Winnipeg Chamber, the Province announced in its most recent budget that it would undertake a tax competitiveness review. To assist the province with this effort, and to provide informed feedback to the new Premier as soon as possible, we are asking our members to complete this two-minute survey to give us your opinions on what the priorities should be for a redesign of Manitoba’s tax system. If you have any questions about this survey or about the Chamber’s advocacy with respect to tax reform, please contact our Director of Policy, Colin Fast, at cfast@winnipeg-chamber.com.

Jump in to our Policy Pools

Want to get more involved in the Chamber’s advocacy process? Then jump in to our new Policy Pools! These teams of subject matter experts in specific industries or policy areas will help design Chamber policy and give us advice in how we advocate with local, provincial and federal governments. If you’re interested in joining our Policy Pools, please contact Colin Fast, Director of Policy at cfast@winnipeg-chamber.com.

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