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Free flu shot clinics from a Winnipeg Chamber member

September 18, 2017


As flu season approaches, we’re pleased to extend an offer from our member Exchange District Pharmacy to help you and your team fight off illness without interrupting your busy schedules. Read on for details of a free mobile flu shot clinic coming to visit your workplace.
As you may be aware, the flu season is upon us. The highly contagious virus can be debilitating, putting strain on one’s personal well-being as well as their professional well-being. It leads to sick days and decreased productivity and the worst part is that it spreads like wild-fire, affecting others and triggering a bigger drop in productivity.

In addition to consistent hand-washing, one of the best ways to reduce your risk is to get the annual flu shot. Health care professionals highly recommend it as it basically “trains” your immune system to fight off the flu. However, it is understandable that having a busy professional life can make it difficult to take the necessary time to properly take care of yourself.

I am writing this to propose a “Flu Clinic” at your organization. Simply, a health care professional such as a physician, pharmacist, or nurse will come in, set up a booth and provide flu shots in a private and confidential manner to all those that desire it. This is fully free of charge, as it is covered by Manitoba Health, and it puts minimal strain on productivity, as staff and colleagues can get the “flu shot” at work. There is no need to drive anywhere or to wait around long at clinics and/or physician’s offices. The goal is to optimize health outcomes with minimal interference with your daily activities.

Last year, over 50 flu clinics were scheduled successfully and we hope to do more. Again, there is a one page pre-assessment, which can be done before hand. This is used to proactively screen and ensure the flu vaccine is appropriate and safe. (eg. Allergies, Medical Conditions, Drug interactions, etc.). The Manitoba Health card is required, as it is needed for coverage and documentation. Simply this is how the “flu-shot” gets logged on to your medical history. The entire process takes a couple minutes and before long, you are back to doing what you do best, life!

By getting the flu shot, it reduces the risk of getting the flu, as you come in contact with numerous clients and colleagues. It prevents sick days and reduces any potential loss in productivity. Ultimately this enables everyone to reach their full potential at work.


Ryan Chan, BSc.(Pharm), CAE, Pharmacy Director
Exchange District Pharmacy
286 McDermot Ave, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3B 0T2
C: (204) 227-6465 B: (204) 942-0573 F: (204) 942-0867

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