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How Can Canada Thrive In The Global Digital Community?

November 12, 2018


Data for Good: The $32-billion Boost, the first of a three part series exploring Canada’s data opportunity and the critical intersections between prosperity, technology and privacy.

Data for Good: The $32-billion Boost examines how personal data is used to help innovate and create products and services that improve people’s lives and specifically how Canada can help lead the global digital community and conversation.

The goal of this effort is to answer a critical question: Will Canada act or be acted upon by the Fourth Industrial Revolution? The fourth industrial revolution is an absolute juggernaut of technological evolution, which is moving exponentially faster than the first three. With AI anticipated to boost our GDP $32 billion by 2021, Canada needs the right framework to be an actor in the coming data economy that allows for trust and incentivizes innovation.

In our second series, we will look at some of the major data breaches of the past few years and examine the emerging trends in technology that have put the collection, storage and use of personal information at risk.

Click here to read Data for Good: The $32-billion Boost.

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