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How to Access 4 Seasons of Reconciliation

August 30, 2021


The first step to enacting and embedding reconciliation is learning and understanding the truth of Canada’s history and the resulting intergenerational trauma and systemic barriers in today’s world.

To support local businesses on their journey towards reconciliation, healing our communities, embedding the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s 94 Calls to Action, and fostering relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples, The Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce is partnering with Red River College and the Indigenous Chamber of Commerce to offer members one free month (September 1 – September 30) of the 4 Seasons of Reconciliation Education e-modular training program. This initiative is in celebration of the 150th Anniversary of Treaty 1 and supports a continued commitment to working in collaboration to honour a respectful Treaty relationship that operates on mutual understanding and thriving.

The training program creates an understanding on the history of colonization in Canada and how it impacts current issues and Indigenous Peoples today through engaging slideshows, short videos, documentary films, and mini quizzes. 4 Seasons provides the knowledge required for informed, respectful and effective engagement in the classroom and workplace. This knowledge helps combat personal biases and preconceptions about Indigenous people. Only through education can we build a stronger future for all Canadians.

What you need to know:

  • Login details will be emailed to members
  • Course takes 3-5 hours to complete
  • Save your progress – complete at your own pace
  • There are 10 modules to complete
  • Includes slideshow presentations, videos and short quizzes
  • You will receive a certificate when you complete the program!

Following the completion of your 4 Seasons of Reconciliation, members are invited to attend two debriefing sessions to discuss the training content, learning experiences, and next steps in a safe, supportive environment on Tuesday, September 14 and 28.

Register here:
Tuesday, September 14
Tuesday, September 28


How can I access this free month of training?

As a Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce member, a link will be emailed to the primary contact on your Chamber Account asking you to register in September. The link will take you to an online form to provide your contact information. You will then be sent an invitation to access the training from the 4 Seasons of Reconciliation Education. If you did not receive your link or unsure who the primary contact on file is, please email: info@winnipeg-chamber.com  

Who should take the free trial of the 4 Seasons of Reconciliation Education?

The work of reconciliation is a life long journey, both personally and professionally, and the 4 Seasons of Reconciliation is great place to start to build a foundation of knowledge on the history of colonization in Canada and how it impacts current issues and Indigenous Peoples today.

The intention behind this initiative is for leaders, key decision makers, employees in human resources and staff training, as well as specialists in diversity and inclusion, to have accessible access to this training.

As many business owners know, rolling out training initiatives requires communication, time, and flexibility within individual’s work scope to complete. While some smaller teams may be able to build this opportunity into their workflow, it will not be feasible for many organizations to have every individual complete the program within the free trial period.  As employers seek to build in training such as the 4 Seasons, you may want to consider messaging for employees, opportunities for conversations, access to resources and supports for mental health, as well as plans to build on this training.

Will there be a limit on how many people can access the training?

This is a new initiative, and gauging interest is going to be fluid in response. There are capacity limits on server availability for the free trial. While we do have space for many members to take the program at once, there may be instances where if a large number of members log on, a capacity could be reached and new participants will be limited. You will be able to check back as members flow in and out of the program. We will do our best to manage this throughout the month of September. This may not be an issue, but we want to ensure clear understanding as you invite employees to participate.

How long will it take to complete the training program?

The program takes 3-5 hours to complete. It is modular based with a short quiz after each module. There are nine modules supplemented with PowerPoint slides and short videos.

Please be mindful that this training can be very intense emotionally. While you may want to complete the training quickly, please remember to kind to yourself. We suggest to take your time and be mindful of how it makes you feel, practice good self-care, and to access resources and supports if you need them.

How can I manage the complex emotional nature of this training for myself and/or my team?

We understand that for many, this knowledge can be shocking, uncomfortable, triggering, and painful. We suggest to be mindful of how it makes you feel, practice good *self-care, and to access resources and supports if you need them.

It’s also important that you are able to talk about what you have learned. That’s why we are hosting two debriefing sessions to discuss the training content, learning experiences, and next steps in a safe, supportive environment with an RRC Elder-in-Residence present on Tuesday, September 14 and 28.

Debriefing Sessions
Register here:

Tuesday, September 14
Tuesday, September 28

*Self-care looks different for every person. This may include talking to someone you trust, spending time outside, movement, taking a bath or shower, journaling, creating art, and more.

What if I cannot start or complete the 4 Seasons training within the month of September?

We understand that while you would like to dedicate time to the 4 Seasons, with competing priorities and high demands in the workplace, it may not be possible. If you would like to take advantage of this opportunity, we recommend dedicating someone on your team to review the content and provide feedback. If you would like to discuss the 4 Seasons of Reconciliation for your workplace, you can reach out to Red River College (see below), which can include a review of the content.

I like the 4 Seasons of Reconciliation, how can my workplace adopt it?

You can contact Carla Kematch, Manager, Truth and Reconciliation and Community Engagement, at Red River College to discuss adopting 4 Seasons into your workplace at cakematch@rrc.ca.

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