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How to hit ‘reset’ on your workplace culture

September 13, 2017


Every company, from the large organization to the small family owned business, has its own workplace culture.  You see it when you walk into the building, you hear it through the words employees speak, you feel its energy (or sometimes, lack of energy) and you experience it as an employee, customer, partner, etc. every time you interact.  Much like a human fingerprint, every culture is unique.

In cities like Winnipeg, where everybody knows everybody, your company’s culture and reputation is being passed along via “the word on the street.”  If you have a great company culture you will be able to attract and retain top talent.

If you have a less than desirable company culture it may be difficult to attract, motivate and retain the right people.

Great company cultures create the foundation to become a top revenue-driving organization. These types of organizations often share characteristics that are akin to a beehive of activity – excitement, collaborative problem solving, respect, and a fun, productive place to work. Less than desirable cultures are fraught with employee and management disagreements, high absenteeism and presenteeism (people show up but you don’t know exactly what they produce all day!).

Who defines culture?

Leaders or company owners are the ones who should set the vision for the workplace culture.  If you don’t set the thermostat for the desired culture, you will likely not like the temperature!  In absence of leadership in this area,  the most predominant person(s) will set it for you.  A few negative employees at the water cooler can do a significant amount of damage to your company’s culture if there is no direction or guidance from the top.

How to set or re-set your Culture.

Start by examining your:

  • Core values – ensure they are lived and felt by people and not just words on a page;
  • “Jerk Factor” – how many bad eggs are poisoning your workplace?  Often the cost to remove and replace is much less than trying to continually address the damage they are causing;
  • Job structures, roles and competencies – build these around peoples’ strengths, versus trying to cram unique people into standardized job boxes;
  • “Pot” of money dedicated to salaries, benefits, and perks – ensure expenditures are maximizing returns for people while managing costs for the organization;
  • Compensation and measurement practices – ensure you pay for performance and are holding people accountable for results;

Most importantly, people are inspired to contribute when they feel their ideas and contributions are recognized, rewarded and make a difference.


How CPRinc® can help.

We have a great reputation for achieving results and have partnered with many leading companies, across all industries from small business to large international corporations, and have extensive experience working with and/or volunteering for non-profit organizations and Indigenous communities and organizations. For us, it’s about building the workplaces of tomorrow, today! Check us out at www.cprinc.ca


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