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How to plan for State of the City from West End BIZ

February 15, 2019
Our State of the City Address is an annual gathering of more than 1.200 business and community leaders, where Winnipeg’s top leaders mingle and reconnect before and during the Mayor’s lunchtime Address.
If you are new to the State of the City – the idea of 1,200 attendees may be intimidating and hard to navigate. In order to help you and your team prepare for Mayor Bowman’s upcoming Address on Friday, March 15, we spoke to our member and annual State of the City attendee West End BIZ.

Hear from them why State of the City is worth your time and find out how they maximize on the opportunity.


1. Why does your team attend State of the City every year?

The State of the City offers a great opportunity to hear directly from the Mayor and get a good sense about what the goals for our City are. An event that is oriented around city policy and administration is valuable to the BIZ, as the subject matter is sure to be relevant to our programs, projects, initiatives and activities.  The State of The City Address also provides a high quality learning environment for the board and key staff to spend time together and generate ideas. We also feel it important to be represented at, and support the event.

2. Do you have any tips for newer attendees who haven’t been to State of the City before?

Arrive early!  The business community is there and if you are in business, here is your chance to meet and connect with others as you wait for the event to begin. Circulate, including visiting each of the booths, and  don’t be afraid to open a conversation with anyone.  Make the most of this networking opportunity and have your business cards on hand.  Make sure you have something to take a few notes with, pen and paper or your mobile device.  You never know when inspiration based on something you heard will strike.

3. Do you set any goals for your team for when they attend?

We always have a discussion later to share whom we spoke with or did we meet anyone new and what the takeaway from those connections were including any potential partnerships or valuable information that helps us further our mandate.    And of course we review what the Mayor had to say about where we are at, and where we are headed in the next year and how that fits into our vision for the West End.  We often come away from the event re-imaging something we do to make it even better.

Friday, March 15
​11:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
RBC Convention Centre WinnipegSponsored Tables; $1300 +GST
Member Rate: $100 +GST
Future Member Rate: $200 +GST
More than 1,200 of your neighbours gather each year to hear the Mayor’s priorities for the coming year. Be in the room as your community responds to the latest calls to action.
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