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How winning a Spirit of Winnipeg Award can help share your story

November 13, 2017


Each year the Spirit of Winnipeg Awards shines a well-earned spotlight on the outstanding businesses, non-profits and organizations that make our city a better place to live. Nominations are open for the 2018 Awards until November 27.

Perhaps you’re considering nominating a deserving organization – including your own – but aren’t sure how to best use this opportunity. Here are the message last year’s recipients chose to share with the hundreds of business people in our audience.


Tara Torchia-Wells, The Unexpected Gift (The Rising Star Award)
“I feel now every day when I go in to work, that I’m there for a reason… an extremely important reason. And it’s to help other people get through a diagnosis that’s not a fun one. It’s a long haul going through cancer, going through treatment.And I didn’t know it was going to be such a long haul opening a small business. It’s definitely a struggle and I appreciate being recognized more than I can say to you.”


Margaret Haworth-Brockman, Habitat for Humanity Manitoba (The Environment and Energy Award)
“Now you know our secret. We build houses and homes that are highly energy efficient and environmentally conservative. By reducing waste of our precious resources and reducing the every day costs for the families who buy our homes, we are glad to work with all of you for a better Winnipeg to come. Thank you very much.”


Heather Sadowy, Peg City Car Co-op (The Technology Award)
“Our co-op would not exist without a dedicated group of volunteers and staff and a bunch of other organizations who’ve worked with us since the beginning to get us where we are today. Thanks to The Chamber for the recognition. And – I think this is the right crowd – if you guys ever want to know how to get your organization involved in greener, active commuting, come talk to us.”


Wendy Guilbault, National Leasing (The Wellness and Workplace Culture)
“This is really an honour to be recognized among this great group. National Leasing employees – their wellness is so important to us, it’s a priority. And this is thanks to the great leadership team that we have that’s always encouraging us to come up with new and exciting initiatives to make National Leasing a better place to work for our employees.”


Jessica Floresco, Mother Earth Recycling (The Non-profit and Social Enterprise Award)
“I’d really just like to encourage everybody here tonight, tomorrow, at some point go home and research social enterprises and what we can do for the community. Check out Social Enterprise Manitoba and the social purchasing portal. There are a lot of really phenomenal organizations in the city that are doing so much good and I guarantee every single person in here, business in here can work with us and help make our city a great place.”


Susan Robertson, Canadian Museum for Human Rights (The Design and Building Award)
“…the museum is much more than an iconic piece of architecture. It’s a place for people to come and learn about human rights – to gather and think about what they’ve learned, as well as to have dialogue in order to make Winnipeg and Canada and hopefully the whole world a better place. We really thank you for this acknowledgement for the building and design to The Chamber of Commerce.”


Diane Grey, CentrePort (The Trade Award)
“… finally I’d like to say to the Manitoba business community, thank you for your support in providing the vision that has led to the creation of what is North America’s largest inland port project. Thank you very much.”


Marilyn McLaren, United Way of Winnipeg (The Spirit of Winnipeg Award)
“For all of you in this room tonight who have signed a payroll deduction form, who have helped to organize a United Way campaign, volunteered at one of the hundred-plus organizations that we help to support, those of you who are leadership donors to the United Way – thank you so very much. I share this award with you as well. The United Way is an incredible blend of volunteers, an amazing staff and so many, many thousands of Winnipeggers who know that together we’re stronger.”
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