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Leadership Winnipeg Always a Surprise

May 27, 2019


This article was submitted by Taz Lakhani, as a part of the Leadership Winnipeg course.
Leadership Winnipeg sessions keep surprising us. After each session, it makes me feel that this was it, what better could come next and then a day like this happens.

May 10th was the most exciting session at Leadership Winnipeg so far. The day started with a power packed presentation by Marshall Ring, the CEO of Manitoba Technology Accelerator. I was extremely impressed by their structured approach towards commercialization of Science and Technology. The impact their organization and associated businesses have on Winnipeg’s Economy made me feel proud of being a part of such great business community. Their success was validated, when we heard the stories of their clients Mark Alexiuk from Siteline Innovation and Catherine Metrycki, Founder of Callia flowers. I could totally relate to their entrepreneurial journey and learned a lot. This session was one of my favorite sessions of the program so far.However, this was just the beginning!

The Lunch at the King’s Pub was worth mentioning. It provided the class with an opportunity to socialize with on another. I felt more connected with the group, learned about their lives and strengthened the friendships that we have made along the way. The weather also supported us with a nice sunny yet cool day.

North Forge – Innovation Lab, was our last stop. The management team at their office welcomed us and shared how it all started. Winnipeg is often not given the credit it deserves. How North Forge was brought to life by a group of volunteers is another Winnipeg success stories worth mentioning. This innovation-based agency is providing innovator entrepreneurs with an opportunity to live their dream in Winnipeg. In turn resulting in retaining these great believers to make a better more successful Manitoba. State of the art technology, award winning mentors and financing opportunities through different programming is everything a start-up company can wish for. The success North Forge has achieved in such a short period is a testament to Winnipeggers’ dedication and resilience.

With that another inspiring and fascinating day at Leadership Winnipeg came to an end. I am looking forward to what the last few sessions would surprise us with.

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