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Leadership Winnipeg – Student Blogger

November 7, 2018
Written by Taz Lakhani, Care Planner & Care Office Owner, Right At Home Canada

I became a part of Leadership Winnipeg because of extreme recommendation of like-minded leaders in the community. From the very first session, it pushed me to dig deep into my inner strengths and channel them towards amazing resources in the Winnipeg community.

First, the quality of the speakers and mentors is phenomenal. I would like to acknowledge the amazing work of Doneta Brotchie and Ellen Kornelson, the creative leads the program,  to bring such a diverse group of community leaders from so many different sectors.

We were able to interact and get mentorship from personalized discussions from the very best in the city. My personal favorites were Barb Gamey, CEO & Founder of Payworks, and Réal Cloutier President and CEO of Winnipeg Regional Health Authority.

Barb Gamey, because she started her organization in our very own city. It just validated my connection and vision for the city. It reaffirmed the tremendous potential our city holds for entrepreneurs. Réal Cloutier, on the other hand, shared the changes our health system is going through and how this restructuring changes the lives of families my organization Right At Home – Winnipeg serves.

Secondly, the projects that were assigned to us were very creative. Each project reinforced the purpose and impact of community initiatives. It not only focused towards the corporate side of leadership but also the importance of being engaged with Not for profit and voluntary organizations. The well picked groups are bringing out the best of each of our potentials.

Finally, congratulations to The Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce and Volunteer Manitoba for successfully running this amazing program for over a decade. The program certainly provides experiences that inspire and help individuals to develop an understanding of themselves, their community and their role within it.

I would like to conclude by saying thank you to the amazing organizations and people of Winnipeg that make it one of the best cities in the world.


​Taz Lakhani

Care Planner & Care Office Owner
Right At Home Canada, Greater Winnipeg Area Care Office

Leadership Winnipeg
Shaping tomorrow’s leaders today
For over a decade, The Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce and Volunteer Manitoba have partnered together to offer Leadership Winnipeg, a 10-session leadership program (plus class project), which runs from September through June. The program provides experiences that inspire and help individuals to develop an understanding of themselves, their community and their role within it.

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