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Maintaining a Great Workplace Culture | Q&A with Spirit Finalist

February 5, 2019

The Spirit of Winnipeg Awards Gala is one of our business community’s most highly anticipated events — and it’s all about honouring local organizations making a difference in our city.

Ahead of the 10th Annual Spirit of Winnipeg Awards on March 6, we’re giving you a closer look at how  finalists in each category are impacting our city. This week, we’re looking at one of our Wellness and Workplace Culture finalists, Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba.

Get to know Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba


Engineer Geoscientists Manitoba was established on March 27, 1920 by The Engineering Profession Act to regulate the profession of engineering in Manitoba. In 1988 the Manitoba legislature expanded the association’s mandate to regulate the professional geoscientists in Manitoba with The Engineering and Geoscientific Professions Act. The organization is a privately incorporated, non-profit professional regulator and has 22 staff members.

What do people need to know to understand your organization?
Similar to licensed doctors (MD), accountants (CPA), nurses (RN) and other regulated professionals, licensed engineers can be identified by P.Eng or licensed geoscientists P.Geo after their name on business cards, letters, reports and online media. It operates using private dollars; dues paid by its members.

What’s been the biggest obstacle your association has overcome? 
Understanding workplace culture changes that are necessary to hire, retain and reward younger employees. The age profile of the staff group has shifted from older, long service to new hires/younger employees in the past ten years. Incorporating cultural changes (i.e. flextime, telecommuting, new HR policies to accommodate a variety of “family” situations, etc.) into routine, daily operations has required attention, sensitivity and learning by all.

What does community mean to you?
A community is a place where a person can commune of have a deep connection to others for the collective and common good; can be a physical location or human grouping.

Who do you want to inspire? 
Fellow citizens and newcomers to Winnipeg and Manitoba. We all want a good place to live: where our children can be educated, raised, grow and thrive in a community of peace, hard work and fulfillment.

What’s next for Engineer Geoscientists Manitoba?
I believe we are making a difference every day and will continue moving forward; maintaining a great workplace culture.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019
5:30 PM – 9:30 PM
Club Regent Event CentreJoin 400+ business and community leaders at the Club Regent Event Centre to hear the stories of 22 organizations who make our city better. ​
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