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Manitoba Race to Reduce gearing up for its second annual awards ceremony

March 25, 2019


Article provided by Manitoba Hydro
Attention Architects, Building Developers, Construction Companies, Energy Advisors, Engineers, and Everyone in Between…Manitoba Race to Reduce is gearing up to host their second annual awards ceremony on April 11, 2019. This event brings together property management executives, facility managers, building operators and tenants of 7.5 million square feet of participating commercial office buildings working towards reducing their energy use by 10% over 4 years.

Since 2017, Manitoba Race to Reduce has recognized landlords and tenants and their commitment to making their commercial buildings more energy efficient. With two years of the Race complete, participants are looking to kick it into high gear to achieve their energy reduction goals and they’re looking for your help.

We’re looking for companies like yours to help participants cross the finish line by sponsoring a Manitoba Race to Reduce Award. By becoming a sponsor, you are provided with an opportunity to host an information booth to promote your products and services, and address an audience of 125 business leaders and program stakeholders prior to distributing an award to a winning participant.

Does your company conduct energy audits, recommissions building equipment, or offer products and services that monitor energy usage in buildings or help owners and tenants better understand their building energy usage? Do you assist in the implementation of energy improvements in commercial buildings or handle major capital projects? Maybe you just want a chance to share your message with an audience ready to invest in energy efficiency in their buildings. If any of these apply to your business, this could be the opportunity you’ve been looking for.

Deadline for sponsorship is March 29, 2019. You can learn more by downloading the sponsorship package or by contacting info@manitobaracetoreduce.ca.

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