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Manitoba’s incredible opportunity in EMILI

May 24, 2017


​In the most recent federal budget, $950 million in funding was announced to support a federal Innovation Supercluster strategy. Clusters are where companies, non-profits, academic institutions and others come together to share knowledge, data and resources. The goal of a supercluster is to produce globally competitive, high growth companies and products.

Earlier today further details on how that $950 million will be awarded was announced. The funding will support up to five superclusters, and for the past two years, a business-led group right here in Winnipeg has being putting together the perfect proposal for the federal government.

EMILI, (the Enterprise Machine Intelligence and Learning Initiative) was formed with a vision to make Manitoba the most advanced agricultural economy in the world. EMILI looks to take advantage of our technology companies and their strengths in artificial intelligence and machine learning, and combine that with our agricultural prowess. Paired together this could lead to improved crop productivity, better food and animal safety, as well as improved market access.

By 2050, global food demand is expected to rise by 70%. To meet this challenge innovations such as the ones EMILI can develop will become a necessity. All of this could not come at a better time, as the world is going to need as much food in the next 45 years as we have for the past 10,000.

EMILI presents an incredible opportunity for Manitoba to cement itself as the pre-eminent leader in global agriculture, and the Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce is a proud supporter of the initiative.

For further information on this and other Chamber advocacy initiatives, please contact Director of Advocacy, Michael Juce, at mjuce@winnipeg-chamber.com or 204-944-3315. 
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