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Member Q+A: emBOLDen

March 12, 2019


What does it take to be a great leader?

We sat down with Ryan Ramsdale, leadership coach and upcoming speaker at our next Networking 101 to share his insight on how to properly manage and motivate your team to success.

1. Why did you start Embolden?
While Leadership is incredibly rewarding, it is often misrepresented as opportunistic or glamorous. We started Embolden to strengthen and encourage leaders for the reality of leadership. Like a personal trainer working with an athlete, we prepare leaders for the “heavy lift” that brings the joy of accomplishing true servant leadership.

2. What brought you to The Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce?
We were looking for the right organization that could connect us with Winnipeg’s business community. The Winnipeg Chamber has a solid reputation as a credible organization committed to the success of its membership.

3. What does it mean to ‘master your professional relationships’?
The world is changing rapidly. From Artificial Intelligence to corporate down sizing to exciting tech start up companies, change is all around us and consumer habits are following suit. However, there is one thing that remains consistent: the key to success rests in our ability to form meaningful relationships. In a highly competitive market place, how we form relationships remains our lasting and true market differentiation.

4. What is the most common networking mistake?
Focussing on what you can gain from meeting a particular person. We cannot always predict who we will meet. We need to remain flexible, open and truly interested in other people and their story.

5. What will be the top take-away at your upcoming Networking 101 session?
Participants will create strategies to intentionally grow and maximize their effectiveness in forming relationships

To learn more about mastering your professional relationships register for our FREE Networking 101 on Tuesday, April 9 with Ryan Ramsdale, Owner of emBOLDen.

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