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New member Q&A with Creative Office Furniture

April 24, 2018

PictureThe Winnipeg Chamber: What does Creative Office Furniture do?
Stephen Ishmael: We work with Manitoba businesses to understand how they use their work spaces, the challenges they face with their floor plans and recommend the furniture that best suits their spaces and budgets.

WC: What sets your organization apart from others in your industry?
SI: Our team has over 34 years of combined experience providing furniture solutions to Manitoba businesses. In addition, we provide space planning services to help in furniture selection and layout to match your office floor plans. We also sell Canadian made office furniture.

WC: What’s your favourite place to visit in Winnipeg?
SI: Assiniboine Park. It brings back memories to me of the many times I took my son there while he was growing up.


WC: What question are you asked most frequently by clients and prospects?
SI: Questions like, “What furniture can I get within my budget?” and “Where is your furniture manufactured?” I’ll also get questions about the lead times for furniture delivery and if we can come out to measure office spaces – which we can.

WC: Why did you join The Winnipeg Chamber?
SI: I joined because I feel your team is really working hard to help make business connections for its members.

WC: What’s your best piece of business advice?
SI: Always keep the customer in mind and you will grow your business.

WC: What’s your best business success story?
SI: I worked with the CEO of a HVAC company who wanted to update their boardroom entirely to reflect the growth and maturity of their company to their corporate customers.

By working with our space planner we provided our recommendations that accurately captured their image and presence. I won their business.


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