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New member Q&A with Jamrock Securities

May 28, 2018


PictureThe Winnipeg Chamber: What does Jamrock Securities Do?
Don Woodstock (Owner & CEO): Home  and business security systems, automation, access control and video surveillance. Besides protecting locations from unwanted intruders, Jamrock Securities’ products also protect you from the dangers and damage caused by fire, carbon monoxide, flooding and extreme temperature changes.

WC: What sets your organization apart from others in your industry?
DW: We are the only security company open seven days a week from 9 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., including weekends and holidays. This is aimed at providing exceptional service to our customers.

WC: What’s your favourite thing to do in Winnipeg?
DW: Visit The Forks Market.

WC: Why did you join The Winnipeg Chamber? As someone doing business in Winnipeg, how can we help you?
DW: As a company that values connecting with other small business owners, we thought being a part of The Chamber would be prudent. We would love to be the security company sending out weekly or bi-weekly security tips for all Chamber members.

WC: What’s your best piece of business advice?

DW: Be mindful of your customers’ needs always – and do whatever you can to fulfill promises made. 

WC: What’s your best business success story?
DW: We got a call Friday afternoon from a customer who was panicking because they are leaving on Saturday for a vacation and we were able to get a security system installed in their home and on their phone four hours later. This offered them a peace of mind – second to none.



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