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New member Q&A with Spa Botanica

October 18, 2018

PictureThe Winnipeg Chamber: What does Spa Botanica do?
Gabrielle Zoppa and Harman Dhaliwal: We are a full service day spa that’s been operating over four years.

WC: What sets Spa Botanica apart from others in your industry?
GZ: We deliver our services in a unique way, following Ayurvedic facial procedures. Our facial and body services are based on natural and fresh ingredients. We make our own masks and scrubs using ingredients such as turmeric, sandalwood, rose petals, oranges, cucumber and so on. We mix and match these ingredients to create custom services according to your needs.

WC: What’s your favourite thing to do (or place to visit) in Winnipeg?
Gabrielle: I love camping, skiing, climbing anything to do with nature and the outdoors. In the city, my favourite thing to do is listen to live music.

Harman: Cooking and good food! One of my fave spots is Deer and Almond as well as Stella’s.


WC: What questions do you get most frequently from clients?
HD: Mostly people ask what kind of products we use and to describe our more unique services such as our Indian Head Massage or OM Fresh Facial.

WC: Why did you join The Winnipeg Chamber? As a business in Winnipeg, how can we help you?
GZ: We joined to get a chance to meet others in the community and get our name out there. We’re also gaining insight and wisdom from other business owners throughout the city.

WC: What’s your best piece of business advice?
GZ: Always stay positive and have the ability to be flexible as time goes on. Have money saved up to get you through the first few years. Always keep a fresh perspective and a keen imagination.


WC: What’s your best business success story?
HD: Hmm….we view success as ongoing and multifaceted. When we first opened we literally had $0.00 in both our business and personal accounts and experienced severe financial crises, which was very hard as we both had young children. There was a time early on where we were both using the food bank to feed our families, which was hard but also something we are extremely grateful for today.

We have both made enormous sacrifices for the business, so the fact we have come out of our debt and survived the darkest days and now have a viable business with an incredible clientele is our true success story. Spa Botanica is a second home to us and we have poured our hearts and souls into it. Life wouldn’t be the same without this beautiful space, doing what we love!


Welcome to The Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce. We look forward to helping your reach your business goals – and to visiting Spa Botanica in person.

To find and support local business committed to our city, visit our Online Directory  when making your next purchase.

Join us for our upcoming Member MeetUp:

Wednesday, November 7
Spa Botanica
1459-C Corydon Ave.
5:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.

Tickets: $10 +GST

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