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Policy Fast Five

November 6, 2019


​From the Chamber’s Policy department, here are five things you should know about this month:


  1. The City of Winnipeg is looking for feedback on its new draft Transit Master Plan. A complete redesign of the transit network, the plan includes several potential benefits for business, including more frequent service along commercial corridors, more direct routes to downtown, and more reliable scheduling.
  2. In October, the Chamber was part of the launch of Manitoba Works, the province’s initiative to create 40,000 new private sector jobs over the next four years.
  3. The new provincial cabinet was sworn in on October 23rd, and includes the addition of two new members: Reg Helwer as Minister of the new Department of Central Services; and Sarah Guillemard as Minister of the new Department of Conservation and Climate. There were also several changes to the roles and responsibilities of existing cabinet ministers.
  4. The second intake for the Partnerships stream of the federal government’s Low Carbon Economy Challenge closes on November 15th. This funding opportunity supports greenhouse gas mitigation projects such as commercial building retrofits, fuel switching and process changes, district energy systems to heat or cool existing buildings, among others. The fund is limited to applications from Canadian small or medium-sized private sector, for-profit businesses with 1 to 499 employees.
  5. Are you interested in becoming more involved in the Chamber’s policy process? Our Advocacy Leadership Council helps shape the Chamber’s position on important regulatory and legislative issues and is a valuable network for local policy leaders. For more information, contact Colin Fast, Director of Policy, at cfast@winnipeg-chamber.com
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