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Policy Fast Five (January)

January 14, 2020
​From the Winnipeg Chamber’s Policy department, here are five things you should know about this month:
  1. The provincial government has launched consultations for the 2020 Manitoba budget. A series of public meetings will be held across the province throughout January, and online tools allow Manitobans to provide their input on spending priorities and even design their own budget. READ MORE…
  2. The topic of retail crime has been in the news a lot lately, especially thefts from liquor stores. However, the issue isn’t limited to alcohol sales. Some national retailers have reported that up to 40% of their shoplifting losses across Canada are occurring in Winnipeg. The Winnipeg Chamber recently met with Justice Minister Cliff Cullen to discuss options to address this problem, and we have partnered with other business organizations including the Retail Council of Canada and the Manitoba Chambers of Commerce to hold the Manitoba Retail Crime Roundtable on January 31st.
  3. As part of its work with the Canadian Global Cities Council – a group of the eight largest chambers of commerce in Canada – the Winnipeg Chamber will be visiting Ottawa later this month to meet with federal officials about a number of issues of concern to large urban centres. One of the focal points of this advocacy effort will be to push the federal government to do what it can to deal with inter-provincial trade barriers. Some studies have suggested that blocking the free flow of goods and people across Canada costs the national economy up to $130 billion in lost economic opportunities.
  4. The province has released its action plan to address recommendations of the 2019 Review of Planning, Zoning and Permitting. A provincial working group has been established to ensure changes will be developed through a collaborative approach. The province will be reviewing and updating a number of acts, regulations and policy documents affecting permitting and approvals. Work is also underway to establish service standards for all levels of permitting and zoning applications, and support the licensing process to make inspections more consistent across the province. READ MORE…
  5. The Chamber is interested in hearing from owners of heritage buildings or businesses located in heritage buildings about any challenges you might face with complying with the city’s regulations for heritage properties. Please contact Colin Fast, Director of Policy, at cfast@winnipeg-chamber.com with your stories.
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