Kim Ulmer (left), Regional President of Manitoba for RBC and Kathleen Taylor (right), Chair of the Board of RBC.
On Friday, Feb. 8, 2019, The Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce hosted a luncheon with one of Canada’s 50 most powerful business people, Kathleen Taylor, Chair of the Board of RBC for a for a fireside chat entitled SpringBoard: Reimagining Corporate Governance in an Age of Disruption. Kathleen, with questions guided by Kim Ulmer, spoke to a crowd of over 500 leaders on why diversity matters, especially on boards.
The influence of the board defines the culture of a company, yet in Canada, there remains a large number of national committees that do not have one single female as a member.
Here’s a list of quotes from Kathleen Taylor’s fireside chat to help inspire change, growth and inclusion on boards nationwide.
Quotes from Kathleen Taylor:
“It’s not enough to just have that one person with a diverse voice.”
“Diverse boards outperform others.”
“Trust is the currency of leadership.”
“Diversity and inclusion mitigate the risks of operating out of a blind spot.”
“Value led leadership matters.”