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Quotes from one of Canada’s 50 Most Powerful Business People

February 12, 2019


Kim Ulmer (left), Regional President of Manitoba for RBC and Kathleen Taylor (right), Chair of the Board of RBC.
On Friday, Feb. 8, 2019, The Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce hosted a luncheon with one of Canada’s 50 most powerful business people, Kathleen Taylor, Chair of the Board of RBC for a for a fireside chat entitled SpringBoard: Reimagining Corporate Governance in an Age of Disruption. Kathleen, with questions guided by Kim Ulmer, spoke to a crowd of over 500 leaders on why diversity matters, especially on boards.

The influence of the board defines the culture of a company, yet in Canada, there remains a large number of national committees that do not have one single female as a member.

​Here’s a list of quotes from Kathleen Taylor’s fireside chat to help inspire change, growth and inclusion on boards nationwide.

Quotes from Kathleen Taylor:
“It’s not enough to just have that one person with a diverse voice.”

“Diverse boards outperform others.”

“Trust is the currency of leadership.”

“Diversity and inclusion mitigate the risks of operating out of a blind spot.”​

“Value led leadership matters.”

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