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Second Annual Manitoba Race to Reduce Awards Ceremony

December 14, 2018


Mark your Calendars! The official date for the second annual Manitoba Race to Reduce awards ceremony is April 11, 2019.
Since 2017, Manitoba Race to Reduce has recognized landlords and tenants and their commitment to making their commercial buildings more energy efficient. Last year’s ceremony revealed that participants reduced their collective energy use by 1.55% since 2016.

360 Main Street, 330 St. Mary Avenue, 240 Graham Avenue and 333 Main Street took home the Building Performance Awards, which recognize energy savings including natural gas, electricity and GHG emission reductions as calculated through ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager®.

In addition to the Building Performance Awards, the upcoming ceremony will introduce two new categories:
The Action and Innovation Award to recognize participants who  demonstrate leadership and commitment to saving energy through their actions and/or innovations.

And, the Building Commitment Award to recognize landlords, tenants and employees who pledge to reduce energy use in their offices and throughout their participating building.

To be eligible for any of the Manitoba Race to Reduce awards, you must be registered. To qualify for the Action and Innovation Award and the Building Commitment Award, simply complete and submit a short application form. Deadline for submissions is Friday, March 1st, 2019.

For more information, click here.

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