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Seven tips to drive traffic to your booth

February 4, 2019
In the world of business and sales, nothing is more effective than one-on-one networking – which is why three times a year we host After Business Mixers, bringing together 40+ exhibitors and 250+ attendees.
As an exhibitor, you’ll make new connections, promote your business and generate quality leads.

But before that, you need to get people to stop at your exhibitor booth.

To help you prepare for our next Mixer on Feb. 21 at The University of Winnipeg’s Axworthy Health & RecPlex, we’ve put together 7 tips to help you drive traffic to your booth:

1. Do something fun
Drive traffic to your booth with something fun and interactive. Who doesn’t enjoy a giant spinning wheel or even a simple beanbag toss? How about a hockey skill challenge or a fun quiz? Games and contests are a great way to break the ice with attendees and opens up a door to talk about your business and what you have to offer them.

2. Give away free stuff
People love free stuff. Host a draw for tickets to the next big sporting event, or give away a tablet. Also, don’t forget to invest in quality and practical company swag. Think about who is coming to the event. What is something that will be useful to them? Remember, your giveaways at a business mixer (e.g. a tote bag to carry promotional items) may be different from something you’d hand out to runners at a marathon (e.g. a water bottle to satisfy their thirst).

3. Know your key messages
It’s important to practice, memorize and master your key messages. You may only have a few minutes to draw in attendees who are making their way through each booth. You’ll be competing with a number of other businesses and it’s important to get your message across right away. You’ll need to tell them about your business and how you can make their life easier in just a few impactful sentences.

4. Promote your booth
Before the event even takes place, spread the word about your booth and the After Business Mixer. The bigger the crowd, the better! Draw your clients and network in by offering something exclusive to the tradeshow attendees, such as an exclusive discount. Don’t forget to mention the cool activities at your booth and prizes to be won! Send personal invitations to those you want to attend, or spread your reach by sharing our event poster on social media.

5. Get out there 
Stock up on business cards. You’ll want a handful on you to not only enter the contests, but also to hand out to different Chamber members you’ll meet. It’s important to take the opportunity to get out there and introduce yourself to the other booths. When collecting business cards, take notes on their cards to remind yourself later about your conversations and how your businesses can work together.

6. Set goals
Just like any good strategy, you need clear and measurable objectives. Are you at the Mixer to find two new clients? Or are you looking for a mentor or perhaps a specific service provider? Before the event, review the exhibitors’ list and make note of who you want to talk to and prepare some questions for them.

7. Follow-up
Now for the most important tip – don’t forget to follow-up with your leads as soon as possible. Review the business cards you collected and reach out to them, especially while you’re still fresh in their memory. Send a friendly email and schedule a follow-up meeting to continue the conversation you started.

Our After Business Mixers are fun and social mini-trade shows where you can grow your business, collect new leads and build valuable business relationships. The event is free to attend. All exhibitors and guests are treated to delicious appetizers and drinks while they visit the 30+ interactive booths.

After Business Mixer 
Thursday, February 21
5:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Axworthy Health & RecPlex

350 Spence St.

Exhibitor rate: $175 +GST

Hosted by:


Exhibitor information:

  • Booths are $175 (members only)
  • Includes 1 x 6 ft table with linens and chairs
  • FREE to attend for your staff, clients and network

For additional questions, you can reach our Director of Events, Elizabeth Cron, at 204-944-3308 or by email ecron@winnipeg-chamber.com.

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