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Should cyber insurance be part of your risk management plan?

March 19, 2018

PictureData security and privacy breach:  the most pernicious disease facing businesses today.  Yet few victims will speak its name. Can your business survive a data security or privacy breach?

ISACA Winnipeg has invited Peter McCabe, Technology Practice Leader & Account Executive at PROLINK to speak on the subject of data security and privacy breach to shine a light on this dark topic.

The presentation will cover the following elements of this disease:

  • Businesses can take all the necessary precautions, but no organization is immune;
  • Some attacks are survivable, others less so;
  • When first discovered, we fail to anticipate how debilitating it can be;
  • Business owners don’t necessarily know how to address it, yet time is of the essence;
  • We do not appreciate the effort required to fight it;
  • We have a vague idea of the cost – although we tend to grossly miscalculate;
  • We underestimate the toll on colleagues, partners and customers;
  • We are fearful to share the news;
  • Once others become aware they start to view us differently.
What about cyber insurance?  Its purpose is to relieve the financial stress and provide access to experts.  It’s only one piece of an ongoing risk management plan.

When:  Tuesday, March 27, 2018 from 11:30 AM to 1:15 PM
Where: RBC Convention Centre – Millennium Suite (375 York Ave, Winnipeg)
ISACA Members: $40.00
Non-Members:    $60.00
Register online here


​Nearing its 50th year, ISACA (isaca.org) is a global association helping individuals and enterprises achieve the positive potential of technology. Today’s world is powered by technology, and ISACA equips professionals with the knowledge, credentials, education and community to advance their careers and transform their organizations. ISACA provides practical guidance, benchmarks and other effective tools for all enterprises that use information systems. Through its comprehensive guidance and services, ISACA defines the roles of information systems governance, security, audit and assurance professionals worldwide.

​For over 30 years, PROLINK has been a national leader in managing insurance programs for some of the foremost Businesses and Professional Associations across Canada. We work with our clients to build insurance and risk management strategies that align with our client’s strategic objectives and desire to control costs.
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