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Small Business Marketing Forum Recap

December 4, 2020

Our annual Small Business Marketing Forum was packed with such great content! The Winnipeg business community heard from some of our city’s industry leaders on top trends and best practices for marketing online. The COVID-19 pandemic has forced businesses to innovate and reimagine how they do business. Shifting business online has become essential, which is why we brought in four keynote speakers who touched on just that.

Below we have some of the top takeaways from each mini keynote as well as their YouTube segment! Be sure to grab your notebook as there is a ton of great content for you to take in!

Saina Fan- Senior Manager of Business Enablement, RBC

The Art of Selling- Selling is a Human Thing (we all do it)!

Top 3 Takeaways:
  1. You can increase your power by reducing it. Such a powerful statement.
  2. If you’re trying to convince someone of something or to belive in what you believe then you are in sales! Doctors, professors, everyone! We are all in sales.
  3. The new ABCs: A- Attunement B- Buyoancy C-Clarity

Watch Saina’s keynote below:




Bryan Borzykowski- Founder, ALLCAPS Content

Content Creation- How to Write Content People Will Read!

How to write good content in 5 steps:
  1. What is the story you want to tell and why do you want to tell it?
  2. Be authentic. Tell a good story.
  3. Think holistically. Think big picture. Be consistent.
  4. Think about your distribution. Don’t just create content to create content.
  5. Make sure your content is of high quality! Customers are savvier than ever before!

Watch Bryan’s keynote below:



Darryl Stewart, Partner, Chaeban Ice Cream

Social Media- The secrets behind a successful social media account!

Top 4 Takeaways:
  1. You need to ask yourself: why are we on social media and what are we going to talk about?
  2. Spend two thirds of your time focusing on your product, not on yourself.
  3. Always be on top of your direct messages. Be ready to provide your customers with quality answers.
  4. The benefit of doing social media right is MASSIVE!

Watch Darryl’s keynote below:




Obby Khan, Founder, Good Local

Support Local- The Business Case for Shopping Local!

Top 3 Takeaways:
  1. If we don’t support local now, it won’t be there when this is over.
  2. “We are forced to break the wall down, pivot and reimagine how we do business”
  3. 83% of small business owners are afraid their business won’t survive through the pandemic. The case for supporting local now is stronger than ever before. Good Local makes it easy to do just that!
  4. Good Local- Everything Good. Everything Local.

Watch Obby’s keynote below:




$1.5 million Provincial Funding Announced!

During our forum, the Province announced $1.5 million contribution to local chambers and Good Local to help local makers and merchants get their products to Manitobans this holiday season! 

Read the full press release HERE.




#ReimagineWPG has Officially Launched!

We also kicked off our #ReimagineWPG campaign featuring one of our keynote from the forum, Obby! Reimagine recognizes Winnipeg business owners who have embraced the change forced upon them by today’s global pandemic to ultimately spark innovative business plans and achieve unexpected success.

Read Obby’s Reimagine story HERE

It’s time to reimagine what change can do. Check out our Reimagine Resource Hub where you’ll find resources, real life stories, and virtual events to help you embrace change and reimagine the future of your business.

Missed the forum yesterday? Watch it in full HERE


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