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Supports for Winnipeg employers who hire Reservists

January 2, 2018
Major General P.J. Bury, OMM, Chief of Reserves and Employer Support will speak to the Reserves need for supportive employers, the value of reservists in your organization as well as our community, and the anticipated impact of the new Federal Defence Policy Strong, Secure, Engaged to the reserve force. He will also entertain questions from attendees.We urge you to join us to discover all the supports available to employers who invite reservists onto their missions.

January 17, 2017 | 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm
2nd Floor Atrium, Manitoba Hydro Place
360 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg
Cocktails and appetizers will be served
Parking available at Portage Place and the RWB Parkade
Please RSVP to SM-President@hydro.mb.ca by January 12, 2018

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