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The election is over, time to get serious about the economy

September 21, 2021

Welcome to the new Parliament…which looks a lot like the old one.

While the seat numbers didn’t change much, voters appear to have sent federal representatives a clear message they should work together to help the country navigate its way out of the pandemic and into a more prosperous, equitable future.

“Our politicians need to get back to work on the issues that matter,” said Perrin Beatty, President & CEO of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce. “With an election that lacked a meaningful debate on the economy, it is critical for Parliament and the government to resume the business of governing the country. Canadians want less politics and more leadership from their elected officials.”

At the local level, The Winnipeg Chamber will be engaging with MPs and the federal cabinet on issues our members have identified as priorities, including recovering from COVID, addressing talent shortages, expanding child care options for workers, and reforming our tax system.

Full statement from the Canadian Chamber of Commerce

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