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True leaders understand this one lesson about community

January 4, 2018
Every month, we ask different participants of our Leadership Winnipeg class to blog about their experience…


As a participant in Leadership Winnipeg, I’ve had the opportunity to meet and learn from an amazing array of successful professionals and inspirational leaders, all of whom have had a significant impact on the organizations they lead, and the communities they support.

Throughout the course, one theme always came up in both formal and informal conversations with this diverse group. Paul Soubry (President and CEO of NFI Group) summarized it best when he addressed the class on day two:

“Give more than you take.”

The act of donating, whether it is time, skills or expertise, seems to be the consensus of how to live a truly successful and happy life.

The experience and knowledge I’ve gained through the program has really inspired me. I’ve learned more about myself, the city of Winnipeg, the unique volunteer needs and opportunities in our community, and various ways in which we can give back.


One great way people can give back is by volunteering. In 2013, 44 per cent of Canadians volunteered their time: an equivalent of 12.7 million people devoting close to 2 billion hours to their volunteer activities. That is the equivalent of roughly 1 million full-time jobs!

Manitoba is an especially great place to volunteer, having the second highest rate of volunteerism among the provinces with 52 per cent participation, and is also number one for charitable donations.

Volunteer Manitoba has played a substantial role in our province’s success as a leader in engaging and connecting people with volunteer opportunities that they will enjoy, by promoting volunteerism and providing leadership and counsel in the voluntary sector. They are truly dedicated to developing and enhancing people’s capacity to anticipate, understand, celebrate and meet community needs in Manitoba.

Leadership Winnipeg and Volunteer Manitoba partnered together to provide a unique and innovative way to both lead, and give back through the Winnipeg Foundation’s Board Connect program. It helps to connect boards or standing committees with motivated leaders who are prepared to serve. It is a tremendous responsibility to be a board member, but if you can commit, you have a real opportunity to help, and positively impact people’s lives.

Canada and Manitoba wouldn’t be the same without all the help from its volunteers. Giving back to the world—whether your contributions be through time, unique skills, or a charitable donation—is the key to creating and nurturing a community that not only grows, but thrives. As we begin a fresh new year, there’s no better time to consider how you can make a difference.

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” ~Mahatma Gandhi

Happy 2018!

Leadership WinnipegLeadership Winnipeg is grateful for the support of our Vision Partners





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