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Updates from the Canadian Chamber of Commerce

December 10, 2018
To see more from the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, visit its website here.
To help keep you up to date with the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, here are some recent updates:

Policy Resolutions and Solutions

Every year, chambers of commerce members and boards of trade, along with the Canadian Chamber of Commerce’s policy committees, are invited to submit resolutions of a national scope to our policy process.

Read the Canadian Chambers of Commerce’s full list of policy resolutions here.

The Accelerating Pace of Change

The Canadian Chambers of Commerce examines the accelerating pace of change in our economy. For many sectors, the economic fundamentals, the borders of industries, the value of different assets and even the types of competitors are rapidly shifting.

To see the Canadian Chambers of Commerce’s Crystal Ball Report, that predicts the issues, opportunities and economic outlook for the year ahead, click here.

A Data Deficit: The Risk of Getting it Wrong

By 2020, the new information generated per second for every human being will approximately amount to 1.7 megabytes and the accumulated volume of big data will increase from 4.4 zettabytes to roughly 44 zettabytes.

To read more about Canada’s data deficit, click here.

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