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What’s the value of an executive health assessment? | Q&A

February 5, 2018
While most people know “investing in their health” is a worthwhile pursuit, the exact actions they need to take may be murky. We caught up with Dr. Dimitrios Balageorge – orthopedic surgeon and driving force behind Winnipeg’s Prota Clinic – on how an executive health assessment can help chart a road map for better health.


The Winnipeg Chamber: Who is an executive health assessment designed for? Is this only for CEOs?

Dr. Dimitrios Balageorge: Executive Health Assessments are no longer intended just for executives. Executive assessments can be performed on any individual interested in knowing more about their health.  It is intended to assist people in taking on a proactive role in regards to their health. This is an uninsured service.

​An Executive Health assessment provides a thorough health screening process to identify active medical issues, latent medical issues as well as identifying risk factors to one’s health.


WC: What’s involved?

DB: The process involves a multitude of Health Specialists’ assessments, imaging, blood testing, urine testing, EKG and a body composition assessment. All the results of testing along with the opinions of Health Specialists are consolidated to create a thorough summary of an individual’s health. Along with the findings, recommendations are generated, which are intended to improve a person’s health as well as longevity.

WC: How much certainty can you have when looking at risk factors for future illness?

DB: Tests provide for a very thorough screening process that can reveal pathology and risk factors.  The recommendations generated are based on solid scientific evidence that are proven to make a difference in health and we use guidelines that have been universally accepted by the medical community that are generated by health experts in their field. This is why the screening process and recommendations can help to improve one’s health and minimize Illnesses.


WC: What success stories have you had from clients changing their lifestyles following an assessment?

DB: As a result of our process, our clients very frequently change their lifestyles to one more conducive to a longer and healthier lifestyle.  The process has also led to an adjustment or institution of new medical treatment as a result of our findings.

We have seen improved health in almost all our clients from better diets, sleeping habits and exercise. Follow up testing with the in-body, for example, has objectively proven this. Our screening process also has identified pathology that was life threatening and undetected or revealed profound illnesses that had gone undiagnosed. Medical treatment was initiated as a result.

Should people be concerned a company would use this information to make a hiring decision?

The results of our Executive health screening process are highly confidential as are the identity of our clients. The information is securely stored and not accessible. The results are the property of clients who pay for the product. Any information generated by the assessment can only be provided to others at the discretion of the paying clients.


WC: What experience does your team bring to the table?

DB: Our staff are highly qualified and were recruited to join the clinic as a result of their credentials and reputations. They have not only shown an ability in their field of expertise but also have demonstrated a capacity to listen and respond to people’s concerns with compassion and clarity.

WC: What kind of feedback do you get after an executive health assessment?

DB: Most people feel we not only meet but exceed their expectations. That’s very satisfying. These are clients who have gone to other places in the United States and Canada and have had similar assessments and feel they no longer have to leave Winnipeg to receive a high-quality product.


To find out more about Prota Clinic and the services they offer, visit them online at protaclinic.ca.
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