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Will Trump’s Buy America policy hurt Canadian business?

February 6, 2019


A message from the Canadian Chamber of Commerce. ​


Last week, US President Donald Trump signed an Executive Order to increase Buy America preferences for US infrastructure projects. The Executive Order requires US federal agencies to report to the President on how they will encourage greater Buy American preferences covering a range of products such as aluminium, steel, plastics, piping, concrete, and lumber. Infrastructure is defined in the Executive Order using a very wide definition which includes transportation, energy, and telecommunications, and water infrastructure. The full text can be found online here.
The Chamber is currently liaising with our government on actions we can take to push back against these protectionist measures. In order to help us do that, we need input from the Chamber network, and your members. We welcome anything members can share on how these measures might impact their current, or future, business into the US.

Please direct any input to Mark Agnew, Senior Director International Policy: magnew@chamber.ca 613-238-4000 x2230.

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