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Winnipeg’s Coolest Pop-Up Restaurant built by MITT YouthBuild program

February 11, 2019



Students from the MITT YouthBuild program helped build Winnipeg’s coolest (pun intended) pop-up restaurant on the river ice at the Forks in Winnipeg; RAW:almond. ​

“Over the past couple of academic years there has been an increased student interest in art,” explains Stephanie Miller, Manager of the YouthBuild program. “The RAW:almond build always looks visually creative and certainly drew interest from the students to participate.”

This year’s pop-up worked out for both parties, and the students were able to get two weeks of work experience on a live job site, many of which had never experienced working in winter conditions before.


MITT YouthBuild is an academic program that ties in vocational and on-the-job training with a focus on carpentry for indigenous youth. Beyond academics, students engage in a variety of community building projects to put their classroom skills into action. Students of the program are also exposed to Indigenous cultural teachings and end their school year with a workplace practicum.

MITT YouthBuild is located in the Social Enterprise Centre in Winnipeg’s Point Douglas area. For more information on MITT YouthBuild, visit mitt.ca/youthbuild. ​

Did you know?

Every year we invite teachers and students to our State of the City Address for a private Q & A with  the  Mayor before the program starts.

The invitation goes to 32 Winnipeg schools, both public and private. We have 100 spots, and there’s usually about 80 kids and 20 teachers. Better yet,  they get to attend the luncheon and address right after.

Friday, March 15
​11:00 am – 1:30 pm
RBC Convention Centre Winnipeg
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