Quick Poll: Tell us how we are doing

​Looking for a few good people, and a few bad bylaws

December 3, 2018
In response to feedback he has received from the business community, Mayor Brian Bowman recently asked The Chamber to help provide input on two priority policy initiatives: reducing red tape and improving the city’s building permit and inspections process. In the weeks ahead we’ll be reaching out for members to join two task forces to tackle these issues.

The first will examine the city’s current bylaws and regulations and identify opportunities where outdated rules can be scrapped, or where tweaks can be made to streamline the governing process.

The second group will specifically focus on the permits and inspections process and put together recommendations on how to improve service levels based on industry expertise or experience with the system.

If you have any suggestions or war stories to share on either of these topics, please contact Colin Fast, the Winnipeg Chamber’s Director of Policy, at cfast@winnipeg-chamber.com.


​Colin Fast

Director of Policy
(204) 944-3315

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