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Get to know Elder Betty Ross

June 1, 2022

7-minute Read

The Winnipeg Chamber launched their CODE Newsletter which is meant to inspire you to reflect on your commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, find valuable resources to further action and develop skills needed to facilitate bold change. 

Written by Sanjana Vijayann, Diversity and Inclusion Manager & Jess Borys, Communications & Programs Coordinator

Recently, at The Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce, we submitted our annual report to the Indigenous Accord and ahead of National Indigenous History Month, we are reflecting on the work we do towards our commitment to advancing Truth and Reconciliation within the organization, and the business community at large. The Chamber works towards three primary goals.

1) create authentic partnerships with Indigenous leaders and communities to guide our work in advancing Truth and Reconciliation

2) provide opportunities that facilitate networking and career exploration for Indigenous peoples and organizations

3) continuously improve staff learning and understanding of Indigenous topics.

With this newsletter, we want to introduce you to a cornerstone of our work. If you have ever attended a Chamber event or an Advisory Council meeting, you will likely recognize her. Elder Betty Ross is an instrumental part of The Chamber and brings wisdom, cultural teachings and guidance to the work that we do. We are thankful to have had the opportunity to sit down with Elder Betty and learn more about her. 

Get To Know Elder Betty Ross

What you will learn:

  1. Elder Betty’s journey to working with The Chamber
  2. The importance of Truth and Reconciliation
  3. The meaning of Reconciliation today

Resources for National Indigenous History Month:

  1. Truth and Reconciliation Roadmap 
  2. Engaging with Elders – A Co Created Story
  3. Reconciliation Education

June Dates of importance:

  1. National Indigenous History Month
  2. Pride Month
  3. Filipino Heritage Month
  4. National AccessAbility Week | May 29 – June 4, 2022
  5. Shavuot | June, 4th 
  6. Juneteenth | June, 19th  
  7. World Refugee Day | June, 20th 
  8. National Indigenous Peoples Day | June, 21st 
  9. Canadian Multiculturalism Day | June, 27th 

What I’m Reading: Living a Feminist Life by Sara Ahmed

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